Logo Aventuras Arenal

Your local Guide in Costa Rica

There are lots of questions before starting a trip and even more on the go! We hope to aid travelers in their trips by pointing out the important things they should know while visiting Costa Rica.

Let us inspire your wanderlust and help you create memories.

Welcome to Aventuras Arenal! Once a mighty tour operator, we’ve moved on to advise travelers and write about the beautiful things you can find in the ever-green Costa Rica.

Our team is located in La Fortuna, right at the feet of Arenal Volcano. This is one of the main adventure and nature hotspots in Costa Rica. And from here we move around the country to get the stories and information that matter for your trip.

We hope you can make the most out of your travel with the tips and articles we provide, as we slowly but steadily add every day more useful content. Feel free to get in touch with us or ask something in our blogs we’ll do our best to clear your doubts. 

Get in touch with us for any questions, concerns, or feedback.

There is nothing like asking a local friend about the place you are visiting. Get in touch with us!